How to Hide Files and Folders on Android Devices without Installing Any Third-party Apps

Android phones have become very popular among mobile users, due to its simplicity and the advanced features that are installed in it. We store several things such as photos, videos, audios, and other documents on phones. There are times when handing over your phone to someone and there are certain files in your phone like photos, videos or other documents you don’t want others to see. Normally, we use annoying third-party apps in order to avoid such cases. You can find a number of apps in the Google Play Store that dedicated to hiding files and folders. But most of these apps would take unnecessary space on your device. To avoid the mess of such apps, Android already offers an inbuilt solution for hiding files and folders. Most of the users are unaware of it. This article provides the methods to hide files and folders on an Android device without any third-party apps.

  • Method 1: Making a Dedicated Hidden Folder

You can hide files and folders on your phone by simply creating a hidden folder. It will act as a system folder. Any files like photos, videos, and other documents in this folder will stay hidden indefinitely. Any Android user can create a hidden folder. For that just do the following steps:

  1. Open File Manager app on your phone
  2. Then create a new folder
  3. Next, put a dot in front of the file name
  4. Then transfer all the files to this folder you want to hide

The files inside this hidden folder won’t show up in the gallery, e-mail, multimedia players, office editors etc.

  • Method 2: Hide an Existing Folder

The second method hides an already existing folder. This folder will hide all media files from any app. The files in this folder do not have an extension or any content. It is simply an empty file. To do this follow the steps:

  1. Open File Manager app on your phoneThen, go to the folder you want to hide
  2. Open the folder and click on the create new file option
  3. Then, type .nomedia as its file name
  4. After that exit File Manager and restart your phone
  5. Now, the folder will be hidden.

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